Donate NowOn Tuesday, June 2nd the Ehrlich family of Yerushalayim was struck by a terrible tragedy. Sadly, tragedy is no stranger to this family; only a year and a half ago they lost their beloved mother, Mrs. Liba Ehrlich, after a long and painful battle with cancer.
A few short weeks ago their father, Reb Moshe Ehrlich, son of the renowned Yiddish composer and folk singer Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich, was diagnosed with cancer. The terrifying disease was quick and destructive, and within a few weeks, Reb Moshe was gone.
The family of orphans was crushed; especially the three youngest who are still unmarried. Preparations were started to begin the process of the levaya and burial, and that’s where the real trouble started.
The ChevraKadisha [burial society] would not deal with the body of Reb Moshe until the family paid the sum of $25,000. This amount was not only for expenses of Reb Moshe’s burial and plot, but also for fees incurred by the burial of his wife, 1.5 years ago.
We must show our support and come to the rescue of these poor orphans! What was done in the past 24 hours is proof that there are hundreds of caring people with open hearts who will jump in and do their share to ease the pain and burden of a family who suffered tragedy after tragedy. The new goal is now $100,000. This will provide the basic needs of the family for the time being and will hopefully assist in marrying off these children when the time comes.
Checks can be made out & mailed to:
Cong. Bais Aaron
1070 38th Street
Brooklyn NY 11219
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