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torah academy
Throughout his life, my father, HaRav Raphael Wachsman זצ"ל drew on the wellsprings of Torah to guide him. He lived a life dedicated to Torah and Chesed. He was the well-known founder, builder and leader of the magnificent WITS Yeshiva. Perhaps even greater, he built people, thousands of them, one at a time. His warmth, care and kindness touched so many and endeared him to all.
Rabbi Avraham Wachsman
Founder and Dean of Orlando Torah Academy
he learned it.
he loved it.
he shared it.
he lived it.
Please help us perpetuate his legacy
with the writing of a new Sefer Torah
to teach and inspire the next generation.

orlando torah academy

was founded in 2010 to bring the light of Torah to the thousands of Jews living in Central Florida. In less than 10 years, OTA has grown to almost 100 students. The effect on the children, their families and on the city of Orlando is truly immeasurable.
Your participation will enable a new generation to learn, love and live a life infused with Torah values.

Dedication Opportunities

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Orlando Torah Academy

Orlando Torah Academy is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

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Orlando Torah Academy is a non-profit 501c3 organization. #27-2575267
To discuss dedication opportunities please contact Rabbi Avraham Wachsman at or 407-864-3375.
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